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Long life in Langhe

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A long life in Langhe

During my strolls in our beautiful village, a fine sunny place, I often meet people who enjoy walking as well. One day, as I was walking with my dog, I was surprised to meet two different old people who said lovely things regarding my choice of life.

The first one, a man accompanied by two of his friends stopped to look at my dog and asked me about its pedigree… Something led to another and to suddenly one of them, told me about his life: he was born here but doesn’t live here because he followed his wife and live by the sea. Whenever possible, he comes back to regenerate, saying that living here extends life because the quality of life is excellent.

On my way home, I met an aged woman who lives in her farm. She also stopped to speak with me and she said: « Miss, here life lasts longer, life is good! » I’ve always seen aged people with a lot of tenderness and respect. They have wisdom young people could envy. In fact the adage says: if youth knew, if age could.

Seeing them healthy, strolling, working hard in the country, gives me hope. Take it as you want but remember: surely, the absence of pollutions, a good diet, fresh homegrown produce, exercise make a big difference and as my father always says: eating in moderation helps to lengthen life.

Recently, more and more scientists and doctors say how important a good diet along with exercise are, it can really ward off diseases.

Certainly, Langhe can offer all this, you just have to measure it out the right way.

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